How We Roll

LifeisforthelivingFlexibility is the key to my approach

My formal counseling and art therapy training allows me to be flexible in my approach. Being flexible means that I listen and affirm your thoughts and feelings, helping you make connections that create understanding, possibility, and hope. I ask that you bring a willingness to be open, so we can tap into your creative process to problem-solve, visualize, and plan.

Working together as a team helps foster a sense of vulnerability and safety, making exploring anything without freaking out okay. And when we pay close enough attention, everything we experience will inform our growth.

Ultimately, you can integrate the self-understanding and insight gained in therapy into creating a life you truly love.

Managing feelings leads to self-expression and externalization

Most clients come to therapy feeling uneasy or unhappy about something and looking to make a change.

First things first: It’s essential to work with the feelings that come up due to anxiety, depression, grief, or trauma because if you can’t work through or manage those, it’s going to be tricky to love your life, figure out who you really are, or successfully navigate a career, social life, or relationship.

In sessions and between, I love to tap into using self-expression in addition to talking things through. For me, it’s more about communication and less about making art. Making marks on a page is a great way to play with materials and see what’s happening inside.

Doing Art Therapy will allow you to slow down, listen to, and look at yourself. And once you externalize things, you’ll decide what it all means. Shrek said it best, “Better out than in!

Who Am I?

AdminArt therapy helps you find your authentic self.

My name is Rachel Couillard, and I am a Board-Certified Art Therapist who also holds a license in NJ as a Professional Counselor.

Every life experience along the way has equipped me to be exactly where I am today. What first set me on my path was a decision as an 8th grader to attend a vocational high school and study Applied Design. Working in the graphic arts for a year after high school led me to choose to attend college and study Graphic Design in Boston, which resulted in a fulfilling and successful career as a consumer and pharma advertising art director in NYC.

Becoming a parent and navigating a life change inspired a Master’s Degree and a new career as a counselor/art therapist. My calling is to use my life experience and formal training to help others navigate their path and live authentically.

Here’s a little about my life outside of the therapy studio

Whenever I need a break from reading or digging deeper into identity or career issues, I spend time walking in nature and playing pickleball (I prefer singles) or watching the pros play tennis.

I live in the SOMA area with my wife and teenage son, a boy dog named Raven, two guinea pigs, and a turtle.