Couples Therapy

2228764663Relationships have challenges

At some point, all relationships will experience issues – and sometimes, only one partner feels that things need to change, and other times, both partners have unresolved issues that need addressing.

Problems in relationships can vary in severity. Some issues may relate to life changes – such as children, careers, financial challenges, etc. Others are more serious and may involve infidelity, difficulties in the sexual relationship, or other issues that need definite resolution.

Couples therapy can help each partner gain insight into issues in their relationship, allowing everyone to have a voice that the other hears.

The benefits of couples therapy can help partners overcome what keeps them apart. However, in the beginning, couples therapy may start with one partner who initiates the conversation.

Couples therapy may result from issues raised in individual therapy

Since I am not a formally trained marriage or family therapist, couples don’t usually come to work with me together in the beginning.

I have training in being human and being in a relationship, and I know my way around connecting and communicating.

So typically, an individual will begin to work with me on their stuff, and then we’ll bump into some stuff happening in their relationship.

After we spend some time sorting out who’s stuff is what, we will pick an approach to address relationship issues.

OpenheartHere’s the way I proceed in couples therapy

We work on your issues and come up with ways for you to communicate with your partner, and you implement it at home in between sessions

I give you homework with your partner, and then we process how that goes.

Your partner joins us in session, and we introduce/delve into the issue(s) altogether and then structure some independent work and follow-up check-ins.

Bringing a partner into your sessions is tricky (sometimes involving triangles!), and a lot depends on the dynamic and issue. But ultimately, I’m your person, and we want to protect that relationship, so making a referral is often the best way to support the couple and for you to continue to get your needs met.

My commitment is to meet your needs

If the first three options above don’t yield the desired results (or if you’re ready to jump in together right away), I will refer you to a Marriage and Family Therapist. You and I will continue to work together in our therapy sessions.

My goal is to help you overcome any challenges that keep you stuck, and problems in a relationship can create issues you have failed to face for too long.

Don’t let relationship issues keep you from finding a resolution. Contact me today, and let’s work together.