Individual Therapy for Adults

Uncertainty Makes You Sick

You suffered from anxiety before the pandemic, but the levels have skyrocketed between the uncertainty and the isolation.

Panic is a new experience for you, and now it’s happening more and more frequently. Irrational or not, there’s no stopping it, and it’s wreaking havoc with your sleep, performance at work, and relationship.

What’s under the surface?

Constantly worrying and feeling stressed is taking its toll on you physically and mentally.

You’re keeping your head above water, but it hasn’t been easy. It feels somewhat surreal.

Your job doesn’t make you happy, but you can’t imagine making a move now. It doesn’t help that you have no clue what type of move you might want to make.

1915484899Life is good – But there are struggles

Once everyone else’s needs are taken care of – when the kids are grown – once we buy or sell off the house – get another job, you can take care of yourself. Nothing is ever enough, and the list never ends.

The finish line keeps moving, so you never really get to celebrate your moments and dance happily. And what this cycle does to your soul is unacceptable.

Why do you feel guilty about not being happy with your life or privileged to have the problems you have right now because others are struggling to survive?

It’s often hard (and essential) to give yourself grace for being human and sometimes complaining instead of taking the high road and expressing gratitude about the positives.

Maintain the Status Quo

A certain level of comfort comes with putting other people’s needs (and wants) ahead of your own. It’s predictable. Maybe even a little bit noble. But it doesn’t get you where or who you want to be.

You get outstanding at toleration. It feels more about the journey than the destination, but not in a good way. It’s frustrating to feel like you’re compromising and coming up short regarding your thoughts and ideas. Everything about it feels muted, and you only want to turn up the volume – on you.

With all you have on your plate, it’s no wonder your light seems dim. But you keep plugging away without rocking the boat. You’ve devised a plan, but how do you make more time to execute it when your schedule seems overloaded with showing up at work and home?

It’s challenging to consistently bring out your A-game at the end of a long day.

Phoenix2Put Yourself at the Top of the List

If you’re a list person, you know the best way to get your stuff done is to put it on your To-Do List. And if you’re not in the habit of making lists, you just learned a little secret. Individual therapy gets you seen and heard. It’s a natural part of the process to make goals and devise a plan to get you there.

And it’s your hour. Do with it what you will (literally). Use it to process your progress, create tasks, and commit to working independently in-between sessions. Trade some emotional peaks and valleys for rolling hills and build momentum. Relish the here and now and not always the what’s next.

A lot of times, we get hampered by our old ways. Out-of-date beliefs still run the show even though they don’t serve us anymore. They’re hard to ignore, but it’s not impossible to move beyond them. It takes practice, but replacing them with new core beliefs is worth it.

Think about how it might feel about dedicating weekly time to focus on your personal growth. Consider how wonderful it would feel to speak to someone who listens, takes you seriously, and gets who you are. What might happen if you commit to expanding your self-awareness and adding resources and tools to help you achieve your goals and create the life you envision?

Imagine a life with less uncertainty and struggles. Don’t keep how you feel under the surface. Let’s work together to reduce the barriers you face. Contact me today so that we can get started.