LGBTQ+ Teen Therapy

090735You don’t feel like you “fit” in anywhere

You constantly worry about what people will think at school. Worrying about what your peers may feel can create a lot of anxiety and emotional upheaval. In your mind, bullying and discrimination are real possibilities.

However accepting, your community doesn’t know what to make of you.

Your parents love you, but deep down, they hope you’ll grow out of whatever this is. They are unsure how to discuss their concerns with you for fear of worsening things.

Everything has become confusing

You don’t owe anyone an explanation about why you feel more comfortable showering in the dark or prefer shaving your legs AND using he/him.

Every choice you make seems laden with implications.

“How do I wear my hair? Can I play sports? Which public bathroom do I use?”

The stress of living this way is overwhelming

It’s like living in a parallel world where everything looks normal but feels different.

The same family photos everyone else adores make you feel like an alien in your home.

You don’t know how to reconcile what you’re experiencing with everyone else.

Explaining what you’re going through isn’t working

Friends and family are well-meaning but don’t understand.

How can they understand what it’s like to feel so out of place in a gendered world?

You’re becoming increasingly isolated and annoyed.

There seems to be no options for you to be who you are rather than who people want you to be.

Something has to change

You’re tired of having no way to cope with your growing anxiety.

Now, you wish to regulate your emotions instead of being at their mercy.

You know things will worsen if you don’t act soon.

 2031217094Therapy can help you get through this

As a teen struggling with sexual identity, you face many unanswered questions and don’t know where to seek help.

Coming out and learning to feel good about yourself is a process that takes time. Together, we can help you work through those big feelings, because pride should be more than just a flag.

Parents, your involvement is critical; maintaining the proper connection is essential for your teen’s emotional security. Therapy can help parents learn to provide the support that their teen needs.

At this point, teens need support for their internal struggles while receiving the support and emotional connection they need. There is no reason to struggle in silence with uncertainty.

Let me walk beside you during this important phase of your life. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me today!