Online Therapy

766847608There is so little time

You want to focus more on yourself, but with all your current obligations, there’s no place to squeeze in the time for it.

Your stress level is beyond high, but therapy feels like a luxury. You’re not willing to give up anything else right now to fit it into your schedule.

The risks are overwhelming.

Constantly worrying and feeling overwhelmed is taking its toll on your body and mind. You’re keeping all these balls in the air, and it hasn’t been easy. Something has to give, but you’re unsure what or how to dial things down.

You’ve noticed that ever since COVID started, you’re not as willing to be out and about so much. You’re much more comfortable doing things from home and avoiding the risk of being exposed to anything.

The weight of all the uncertainty is genuine and finds its way into almost every area of your life.

Anyone who didn’t have anxiety before the lockdown has some degree of it now. If you had any anxiety before the pandemic, chances are you now have exponentially more.

344519045If only you had better habits

Things work out better for you when you have a structured plan in place. The anxiety doesn’t get the chance to take over if you have a solid routine to follow.

Adding what’s essential to your list and getting to it could mean no more disruptive sleep and time lost ruminating about what’s not working or what might go wrong.

Put YOU on your schedule.

Online therapy adds flexibility and gets you right into the process. Plus, it puts you on your calendar.

It’s your hour. We consistently get to business without worrying about getting to and from the appointment. Use it however you like. Talk things through or use the time to create something.

Online art therapy can take so many forms. It’s a chance to share personal work and reflect on how it relates to what’s going on in your life, a scheduled time to create each week, or a way to check in and work out the next steps toward achieving one’s goals. It’s also a great tool to develop ways to integrate the creative process into your daily routine to help solve problems and work through challenges.

721340671There is a silver lining

We can thank the pandemic for bringing online therapy into the mainstream.

Insurance companies and mental health professionals have worked hard to ensure therapists offer a quality experience that is accessible, convenient, and effective.

We will work together just like in-person therapy. All you need is access to a mobile phone, laptop, or device that allows a WiFi connection with video and audio capability.

You will be in a secure, private setting and can start breaking down potential barriers and putting self-care and “me time” at your fingertips. Let’s get started by contacting me today.